Step-by-Step Guide

1. Education

  • understand what concussion is
  • know how to recognise it
  • be alert to the dangers of playing too soon after injury.

2. Baseline Testing

Undergo computerized brain function testing preseason. From the age of 8 years; baseline testing should be repeated annually.

If a concussion is suspected:

3. Immediate medical evaluation

Seek immediate attention from a doctor!

This may be:

  • your team doctor
  • the stadium doctor
  • the doctor in casualty or the emergency room
  • your general practitioner

4. Contact your nearest Sports Concussion Centre

For a complete clinical evaluation by a sports physician, neurologist or neurosurgeon in the following few days.

This should include: a thorough analysis of your symptoms, a neurological examination, a clinical assessment of cognitive function (thinking patterns); this assessment will often be repeated before returning to sport.

5. Follow-up computer test

Undergo repeat computerized brain function testing.

6. Return-to-play

Follow the step-by-step exercise testing and sports specific task guidelines recommended by the Sports Concussion Centre.
