Vestibular Rehabilitation for Dizziness and Balance Disorders After Concussion
Authors: Bara A. Alsalaheen, PT, MS, Anne Mucha, PT, MS, NCS, Laura O. Morris, PT, NCS, Susan L. Whitney, PT, PhD, NCS, FAPTA, Joseph M. Furman, MD, PhD, Cara E. Camiolo-Reddy, MD, Michael W. Collins, PhD, Mark R. Lovell, PhD, and Patrick J. Sparto, PT, PhD
Management of dizziness and balance dysfunction is a major challenge after concussion. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of vestibular rehabilitation in reducing dizziness and to improve gait and balance function in people after concussion.
Rehabilitation of Concussion and Post-concussion Syndrome
Authors: John J. Leddy, MD,*† Harkeet Sandhu, MD,† Vikram Sodhi, MD, John G. Baker, PhD,† and Barry Willer, PhD‡
Prolonged symptoms after concussion are called post-concussion syndrome (PCS), which is a controversial disorder with a wide differential diagnosis.
Vestibular rehabilitation following mild traumatic brain injury
Authors: James M. Gurleya,b,*, Bryan D. Hujsakc and Jennifer L. Kellyc
The purpose of this review is to appraise the current and accepted methods available to the skilled clinician in quantifying and treating vestibular dysfunction following concussion. Incidence and prognostic indicators will be reviewed along with common barriers to recovery.
Outcomes, utility, and feasibility of single task and dual task intervention programs: Preliminary implications for post-concussion rehabilitation
Authors: Joseph M. Ingriselli a, Johna K. Register-Mihalika,b,*, Julianne D. Schmidtc, Jason P. Mihalika,d, Benjamin M. Goergere, Kevin M. Guskiewicza
To examine neurocognitive and balance performance in recreational athletes, prior to and following a dual-task training intervention compared to single-task controls in order to assess the utility and feasibility of these interventions in the clinical setting
Vestibular and balance treatment of the concussed athlete
Authors: Kathy Aligenea,* and Emerald Lin
The purpose of this chapter is to provide an update on the clinical management of vestibular and balance dysfunction in a concussed athlete with a focus on diagnosis, initial work-up, and initial and continuing management. Although much is still unknown about the etiology of vestibular and balance dysfunction in a concussed athlete, we briefly review current theories about neural pathophysiology to help link proposed treatment methodologies.
Exercise Prescription Patterns in Patients Treated with Vestibular Rehabilitation After Concussion
Authors: Bara A. Alsalaheen1, Susan L. Whitney1,2,3, Anne Mucha2, Laura O. Morris2, Joseph M. Furman3 & Patrick J. Sparto1,2,3*
Individuals with concussion often complain of persistent dizziness and imbalance, and these problems have been treated with vestibular rehabilitation exercises. The purpose of this study is to describe the vestibular rehabilitation exercise prescriptions provided to individuals after concussion
Cervicovestibular rehabilitation in sport-related concussion: a randomised controlled trial
Authors: Kathryn J Schneider,1,2 Willem H Meeuwisse,1,3 Alberto Nettel-Aguirre,2,3,4, Karen Barlow,2 Lara Boyd,5 Jian Kang,1 Carolyn A Emery1,2,3
Concussion is a common injury in sport. Most individuals recover in 7–10 days but some have persistent symptoms. The objective of this study was to determine if a combination of vestibular rehabilitation and cervical spine physiotherapy decreased the time until medical clearance in individuals with prolonged postconcussion symptoms.
On-field Management and Return-to-Play in Concussed Children are Lacking
Authors: Haran HP., Bressan S., Oakley E., Davis GA., Anderson V., Babl FE.
Take Home Message: Only 58% of concussed children were managed according to recommended guidelines and 13% returned to play while symptomatic. Additionally, 93% of parents and 96% of players were unaware of their organization’s return-to-play guidelines following a concussion.
Systematic Review of Prognosis and Return to Play After Sport Concussion: Results of the International Collaboration on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Prognosis
To synthesize the best available evidence on prognosis after sport concussion.
Medical Therapies for Concussion
Authors: William P. Meehan III, MDa,b
Source: Clin Sports Med 30 (2011) 115–124
The following article reviews the current recommendations for the management of sport-related concussion and some of the previously studied, potential therapies for the signs and symptoms of concussive brain injury in general. It is not an exhaustive review of all possible candidates for therapy, but rather a discussion of some of the more common recommendations, common therapies, and potential medications with the most published data available.